It’s Time for a
Food Revolution.
Together we create the solution.
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The People’s Food and Farming Alliance champions food sovereignty and security,
for The People, by The People.

grow your own
Growing Carrot

Grow Your Own

Transform any space, big or tiny, into a bountiful garden. From beginner to advanced techniques, we’ll show you how to grow your own delicious food. Take a look at our guides now!

community growing groups
Villas & Shovel

Community Growing Groups

Join the movement of community-grown produce and protect yourself against future food shortages. Learn how to start a community garden today!

farmers and producers

Farmers and Producers

The PFFA aims to support farmers and growers in their time of need. Discover our innovative solutions and make a difference in the agricultural community.

Join Our Campaign!

More Farmers, More Food!

We’ve started a campaign with its primary aim to grow food, regain sovereignty and encourage more farmers and producers across the U.K.!

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Get Funding

Here you will find details of different options to fund your business or project. These include private and government grants, loans, mortgages and crowdfunding. However, this is not a complete list and does not take into account what grants might be available in your local area, so it’s always best to check there first.

View Funding Options

Group Buying Guide

By pooling your orders with others, you can buy in bulk, and as the costs to shops or suppliers can be lower if there is a group of buyers you may benefit from significant discounts.

Get the Group Buying Guide

Making a donation today helps us further our mission to revolutionise how we produce food for you and your family. Giving monthly will speed us towards our funding goal, enabling more of our transformational restoration and provisioning plans.

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Latest News

It’s not too late to plant out in your GYO garden.

If you have been struggling to get your crops growing this year, don’t worry. Sam from PFFA has some useful advice.

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Time to harvest your garlic.

Here are some easy tips for harvesting and storing your garlic.

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How is your allotment doing?

PFFA Ambassador sent us a video of her new allotment. How is your allotment doing?

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Another chance to see this fascinating webinar on bio dynamic gardening.

An amazing session with Hans-Gunther Kern. We discussed so much more than the ‘usual’ practical gardening tips. We talked frequency, consciousness, detoxing the land and so much more!

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Recent Blogs

Under the Udder – my conventional dairy farm milking experience

A PFFA volunteer tells us about her time milking the cows at a dairy farm. Do you have a story to share? Send it to us at

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GYO back garden showing pots in the background

Why I joined the PFFA.

Jill, one of the PFFA admin team, explains how she first became a member and talks about her GYO city garden.

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PFFA Volunteer reports on her GYO garden

PFFA volunteer, Della Reynolds shows you round her GYO garden in East Sussex.

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Cholesterol does not cause heart disease.

Charlie Spedding reveals that we have all been misled about the effects of cholesterol in our bodies. (2 min read)

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