Make an
impact today

Support the PFFA by making a donation.

your generosity helps fund the pffa

Your support allows us to teach more people how to grow more food, run campaigns to support our farmers and support our Regional Ambassadors around the country.

where does your donation go?


where does your donation go? ~


By donating, you allows us to teach more people how to grow their own food by helping to fund projects like โ€˜Together We Grow,โ€™ allowing us to increase food sovereignty across the nation ๐Ÿฅ•


By making a donation you help us to support our farmers and change the way they farm for the better ๐Ÿšœ


Your donations allow us to fund our Regional Ambassadors by supplying them with leaflets, merch and kit as needed ๐ŸŒพ

help us to protect our farmers, our food supply and our sovereignty

Make a donation today

Your donations allow us to build a brighter future that serves us all. We are so thankful for every contribution you make.