Raising Ducks


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A Beginner's Guide to Successful Duck Keeping

Raising ducks can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Whether you’re interested in their delightful quacks, their entertaining personalities, or the nutritious eggs they provide, ducks make wonderful additions to any back garden. In this beginner’s guide, we will explore various aspects of raising ducks, including housing, different breeds, food options, health problems, top tips, the benefits of keeping ducks, and the joys of raising ducklings.

Housing for Ducks 

Providing suitable housing is essential for the health and well-being of your ducks. Consider the following:

  • Duck Houses: Duck houses are structures specifically designed to accommodate ducks. They provide shelter, protection from predators, and a place for ducks to roost and lay eggs. Duck houses should have a raised floor to keep the ducks dry and a secure entrance to prevent predators from entering.
  • Shed or Outbuilding: Ducks can also be housed in sheds or outbuildings, especially in larger-scale commercial operations. These structures provide ample space and can be partitioned into different sections for different age groups or purposes. Adequate ventilation and lighting should be provided.
  • Pond or Water Access: Ducks have a natural affinity for water, and providing them with access to a pond or water source is important for their well-being. If you have a natural or man-made pond on your property, you can create a secure enclosure around it to keep the ducks safe. Ensure the water is clean and free from contaminants.
  • Fencing: Regardless of the housing option, it’s crucial to have appropriate fencing to prevent predators from entering and to keep the ducks contained. Fencing should be secure and tall enough to deter predators and prevent the ducks from wandering off.


Different Duck Breeds 

Choose a breed that suits your needs and preferences. Here are a few popular duck breeds in the UK:

  • Pekin: The Pekin duck is one of the most common and popular breeds in the UK. They are large, white ducks known for their meat production. Pekins have a calm temperament, are easy to handle, and are good foragers.
  • Aylesbury: The Aylesbury duck is a traditional English breed known for its white plumage and distinctive pink bill. Aylesburys are primarily raised for meat and have a tender and flavorful meat quality. They require ample space for grazing and are suitable for extensive or free-range systems.
  • Khaki Campbell: The Khaki Campbell is a productive duck breed known for its excellent egg-laying abilities. They have a khaki-coloured plumage and are efficient foragers. Khaki Campbells are suitable for both commercial and home egg production.
  • Indian Runner: Indian Runner ducks are known for their upright stance and distinctive running motion. They come in various colours and have a slender build. Indian Runners are primarily kept for egg production and are excellent layers, producing a large number of eggs.
  • Muscovy: Muscovy ducks are distinctive with their red caruncles (fleshy growths) around the face. They are a versatile breed raised for both meat and eggs. Muscovy ducks are known for their lean and tender meat and are popular in backyard farming.
  • Welsh Harlequin: The Welsh Harlequin is a relatively new breed that originated in Wales. They are known for their attractive plumage, good egg-laying capabilities, and calm temperament. Welsh Harlequins are suitable for both meat and egg production.


Feeding and Nutrition 

Proper nutrition is crucial for the health and productivity of your ducks. Consider the following guidelines:

  • Commercial Duck Feed: Commercial duck feed are typically available in different stages, such as starter, grower, and layer feeds, to meet the specific nutritional requirements of ducks at different life stages. Commercial duck feeds often contain a mix of grains, protein sources, vitamins, minerals, and additives.
  • Grain-Based Feeds: Ducks can be fed grains such as wheat, barley, and corn. These grains can be either whole or crushed. Grain-based feeds can be supplemented with additional protein sources such as soybean meal or fish meal to ensure a well-rounded diet.
  • Vegetable and Fruit Scraps: Ducks can also be fed vegetable and fruit scraps from the kitchen. Ensure that the scraps are safe for ducks and free from any harmful chemicals or additives. Avoid feeding them onions, garlic, or citrus fruits as these can be harmful to their health.
  • Greens and Forage: Ducks are natural foragers and can benefit from access to fresh greens and forage. You can provide them with access to grass, weeds, and other vegetation in a controlled grazing area. This not only adds variety to their diet but also helps to satisfy their natural foraging instincts.
  • Insects and Invertebrates: Ducks are opportunistic feeders and enjoy hunting and consuming insects and invertebrates. If you have a pond or wetland area, ducks will often find insects, snails, and worms to eat. Supplementing their diet with live or dried insects can also be beneficial, especially during the breeding season or for growing ducklings.


Common Health Problems 

Maintaining the health of your ducks is essential. Be aware of these common health issues:

  • Respiratory Infections: If you notice symptoms like sneezing, coughing, or difficulty breathing, isolate the affected ducks to prevent the spread of the infection. Provide a clean and well-ventilated environment. Boost their immune system by supplementing their diet with vitamin C and providing fresh, clean water. 
  • Parasites: External parasites like mites and lice can affect ducks. Regularly inspect their feathers and skin for signs of infestation, such as itching, feather loss, or scabs. Treat affected ducks with natural remedies like diatomaceous earth or herbal sprays. Clean and disinfect their housing area to eliminate parasites and prevent reinfestation.
  • Foot and Leg Issues: Ducks may develop foot and leg problems, especially if their housing area is damp or dirty. Keep their living space clean and provide dry bedding material. Check their feet regularly for signs of bumblefoot or other infections. Treat any wounds or infections promptly and provide a clean, dry environment for healing.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Improper nutrition can lead to various health issues. Ensure ducks have access to a balanced diet that includes commercial feed or a mix of grains, greens, and protein sources. Provide calcium supplements, such as crushed eggshells, to prevent calcium deficiency and eggshell problems.


Budget Tips 

Raising ducks can be affordable with careful planning and budgeting. Consider the following tips:

  • Build your own coop or repurpose existing structures to save on housing costs.
  • Explore local feed options, such as purchasing in bulk or growing your own duck-friendly plants.
  • Minimise waste by using feeders and waterers designed to reduce spillage and spoilage.
  • Practise preventative health care to minimise the need for costly veterinary visits.


Raising Ducklings 

If you’re considering raising ducklings, keep these tips in mind:

  • Brooding: Ducklings require a warm and draft-free environment during their early weeks. If you don’t have a broody duck you can use a brooder box or a brooder lamp to provide a consistent temperature of around 32-35°C (90-95°F) for the first week, gradually decreasing by 2-3°C (5-10°F) each week until they are fully feathered.
  • Feed and Water: Provide a balanced diet suitable for ducklings. Commercial starter feeds specifically formulated for waterfowl are readily available. Alternatively, you can feed them a mix of mashed grains and high-quality protein sources. Ensure access to clean, fresh water at all times, either through a shallow water dish or by utilising a waterer suitable for ducklings.
  • Space and Enrichment: As the ducklings grow, provide them with enough space to move around comfortably. Once they are feathered and the weather permits, they can be transitioned to an outdoor enclosure with a predator-proof fencing. Offer some enrichments like shallow water containers, ramps, and hiding spots for their mental and physical stimulation.
  • Socialisation: Ducks are social animals and thrive in the company of their own kind. It is ideal to raise ducklings together to prevent loneliness and promote natural social behaviour. However, ensure adequate space and resources to avoid overcrowding.
  • Health Care: Regularly monitor the ducklings for any signs of illness or abnormalities. Ensure their living area is clean, dry, and well-ventilated to minimise the risk of respiratory issues. 
  • Outdoor Access: Once the ducklings are fully feathered, provide them with access to a secure outdoor area where they can enjoy natural foraging and swimming. Ensure the area is protected from predators and has access to clean water for swimming and preening.


The Benefits of Keeping Ducks

There are numerous benefits to raising ducks, including:

  • Eggs: Ducks are prolific layers, and their eggs are highly nutritious and flavorful. They have larger yolks and a higher fat content compared to chicken eggs, making them ideal for baking and cooking.
  • Pest Control: Ducks are natural foragers and have a voracious appetite for insects, slugs, snails, and other pests. By letting them roam in the garden or orchard, they can help control pests without the need for chemical interventions.
  • Meat: Certain duck breeds are raised for meat production. Duck meat is known for its rich flavour and is a popular choice for culinary dishes. Raising ducks for meat can provide a source of homegrown, high-quality protein.
  • Garden Fertilisation: Ducks produce nutrient-rich manure, which can be used as natural fertiliser for plants and gardens. Their droppings are less acidic than chicken manure, making it easier to apply directly to plants without causing damage.
  • Entertainment and Companionship: Ducks are delightful and entertaining animals to watch. They exhibit unique behaviours, such as their playful nature and love for water. Ducks can also form strong bonds with their owners, providing companionship and a sense of connection.


Top Tips for Successful Duck Keeping

  1. Provide Adequate Space: Ducks require ample space to roam, swim, and forage. Ensure they have enough room to move around comfortably both indoors and outdoors.
  2. Secure Fencing: Ducks are vulnerable to predators. Install sturdy fencing to protect them from foxes, raccoons, and other animals that may harm them.
  3. Water Access: Ducks love water! Provide a shallow pool or pond for them to swim and clean themselves. Make sure the water is clean and changed regularly.
  4. Balanced Diet: Feed your ducks a balanced diet that includes commercial duck feed, grains, greens, and protein sources. Supplement with vitamins and minerals when needed.
  5. Regular Health Checks: Monitor your ducks’ health and behaviour regularly. Look for signs of illness or injury and seek veterinary advice if needed.
  6. Socialisation: Ducks are social animals. Raise them in groups or pairs to promote natural social behaviour and reduce loneliness.
  7. Nesting Boxes: Provide suitable nesting boxes or areas for egg-laying ducks. Make them comfortable and safe to encourage natural nesting instincts.
  8. Predator Protection: Protect your ducks from predators by securing their coop and outdoor area. Use wire mesh, locks, and sturdy materials to keep them safe.
  9. Parasite Prevention: Implement a regular parasite control program to prevent mites, lice, and other pests. Clean their living area and bedding regularly.
  10. Enjoy and Observe: Ducks are fascinating creatures to watch. Take the time to observe their behaviour, interact with them, and enjoy the unique experience of raising these beautiful birds.


Raising ducks is a delightful and fulfilling experience. With proper planning and budgeting, ducks can be a cost-effective addition to your homestead. Enjoy the benefits of fresh eggs, pest control, organic fertilisers, and the entertaining presence of these charismatic waterfowl. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced in animal husbandry, raising ducks can bring endless joy and satisfaction to your life.

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