Get Involved

The People’s Food and Farming Alliance (PFFA) will commit to assisting all of us in the quickest, healthiest and most cost-effective way for many of us to grow some of our own produce.
This will include not just vegetation, but also poultry and livestock, herbs for medicinal purposes, and foraging. These steps can be taken by virtually all of us and we can help guide everyone, even those of us in financial hardship.

Farmer’s Questionnaire.

Ask your local farmer to complete this questionnaire about impacts on their ability to farm sustainably.

Avian Flu and Vaccination Advice Sheet

Roger Meacock – PFFA Resident Vet has produced an advice sheet for those concerned about Avian Flu. Both monochrome and a colour version are available for printing and distribution.

More Farmers, More Food logo

More Farmers, More Food Campaign – leaflet.

Join us in our More Farmers, More Food Campaign to protect British farming and ensure food security.

Seeking Regional Ambassadors

Seeking regional ambassadors to support the explosive growth of action in localised food production!

More Farmers, More Food Campaign

PFFA & partners are excited to launch a new and exciting campaign, which promotes increased farmers and greater numbers of people across the UK getting involved in food production!

Open Forum Replay

PFFA received the following feedback from a visitor to our recent Open Forum. She says, “food sovereignty is the arena upon which our futures depend.” Mrs E.G.

Setting up a Farming Cooperative

A farming cooperative in the UK is a type of agricultural organisation formed by farmers who join together voluntarily to achieve common goals such as purchasing supplies, marketing their produce, or accessing shared resources and services.

Group Buying Guide

By pooling your orders with others, you can buy in bulk, and as the costs to shops or suppliers can be lower if there is a group of buyers you may benefit from significant discounts.

How you can help

There are many ways you can get involved, including working with your local farmers, identifying plots of land the community can use, helping with distribution, and volunteering some of your time to help us grow.

community growing groups

Community Growing Groups

There are many of us aware of the incoming food production issues and have already started growing produce as a community. Depending upon your locality and the growing potential of land in your area, depends on the advice we can offer you.

Recent Blogs