Latest News

It’s not too late to plant out in your GYO garden.

If you have been struggling to get your crops growing this year, don't worry. Sam from PFFA has some useful advice.

Time to harvest your garlic.

Here are some easy tips for harvesting and storing your garlic.

How is your allotment doing?

PFFA Ambassador sent us a video of her new allotment. How is your allotment doing?

Another chance to see this fascinating webinar on bio dynamic gardening.

An amazing session with Hans-Gunther Kern. We discussed so much more than the ‘usual’ practical gardening tips. We talked frequency, consciousness, detoxing the land and so much more!
Richard Vobes Youtube channel pic.

The TRUTH about chemtrails from pilots.

Richard Vobes interviews pilots about chemtrails. What is going on in our skies?

The latest from the Bowler Hat Farmer

Here is an update from Mark Byford, PFFA Ambassador, on the current food situation in the UK. Are you prepared?

Mark Byford – Urgent update on food shortages!

Mark and Katherine discuss the food shortages already being felt and what this will look like moving forward. Guidance and advice offered and ways everyone can get involved!


PFFA launch campaign is to protect, with farmers permission, their livestock and poultry from either being culled or injected with mrna technology, under the guise of ‘bird flu’.
Richard Vobes Youtube channel pic.

Richard Vobes says, “We MUST start now!”

Farming is under attack, but the people are fighting back to keep real food on the table. Richard is joined by Mark Byford, the Bowler Hatted Farmer, and Katherine McBean from the People's Farming and Food Alliance to discuss ways forward.

Exciting Partnership Announcement: Introducing Sustainable Directory

We're proud to announce our collaboration with Sustainable, a platform dedicated to empowering food producers and bypassing corporate supermarkets. See how you can become part of this food security network.

Learn how to build a community farm.

Katherine Macbean talks with Keivor John about setting up "My Little Farm' in the South Downs, Sussex.

Deborah Syrett’s Herbalism Webinar

Deborah Syrett talks about building a collection of herbal remedies and how you can use them to your advantage as natural medicines. 💚